Life in Work 2008

Abitare il Tempo, Verona, 2008

Job, profession, WORK. Laboratory, workshop, studio, factory, machine, office, WORK. Worker, laborer, employee, executive, professional, WORK. We get up every morning, drive along the road and we open a door, our life becomes work, LIFE AND WORK. If we could represent with imaginary lines our lives at work, it would be easy to see how much life, besides work, runs inside those places that are defined offices. We live in the office, the office becomes life and like all places of life, needs to be declined through those spaces that become theater. Actions that are repeated daily and taking value through their representation. Actions that are focused in areas that go beyond the desk. At one time we were talking about home-office, just go one way in the morning, following the frenetic movement, the slow migration of the people that goes to a door beyond which ... LIFE AND WORK.

Partners: Bravo, Davide Groppi, Franchi Umberto Marmi, Fosnova, Gallotti & Radice, MYCORE.

Tags: architecture | exhibitions & events | davide groppi | gallotti&radice | verona |


BESTETTI ASSOCIATI  SAS - PIAZZALE LIBIA, 5 20135 MILANO  C. F. / P. IVA  08539400963 - REA   MI – 2032552 - AMMONTARE CONFERIMENTI  10.000,00 (totalmente versato)

Friday 4 4 2008 - 22:22

Life in Work 2008

Abitare il Tempo, Verona, 2008

Job, profession, WORK. Laboratory, workshop, studio, factory, machine, office, WORK. Worker, laborer, employee, executive, professional, WORK. We get up every morning, drive along the road and we open a door, our life becomes work, LIFE AND WORK. If we could represent with imaginary lines our lives at work, it would be easy to see how much life, besides work, runs inside those places that are defined offices. We live in the office, the office becomes life and like all places of life, needs to be declined through those spaces that become theater. Actions that are repeated daily and taking value through their representation. Actions that are focused in areas that go beyond the desk. At one time we were talking about home-office, just go one way in the morning, following the frenetic movement, the slow migration of the people that goes to a door beyond which ... LIFE AND WORK.

Partners: Bravo, Davide Groppi, Franchi Umberto Marmi, Fosnova, Gallotti & Radice, MYCORE.

Tags: architecture | exhibitions & events | davide groppi | gallotti&radice | verona |